Egg Tempera Fine Art

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Vernir une Tempera à l'oeuf



An Egg Tempera painting follow a polymerisation process taking around six month. After what the painting has harden enough to be polished with a soft cloth (silk or flannel). It is better to avoid conventionel varnishing. Nevertheless you can try a water warnish. You can also wax your finished painting with some bee wax solution, but it will compromise any retuch as it will not be possible to paint over it anymore. During medieval times, varnishes were substituted by snail slime in Flandres and north of France and by fig milk (resin of the fig tree) in provence and Italy.

Water Varnish of Egg White
1 Egg white betted into snow 40 ml
Collect the over night juice of the preparation  

Bee Wax or Carnauba Wax Solution
Ingredients Volume
Lavender Oil (warm it to melt) 2
bleached Bee (or Carnauba)Wax cuttings 1

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Texte écrit par Hugues Delbergue

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